Tennessee Student ID as Voter ID
Testimony supporting of Tennessee HB 303/SB 285, which would permit the use of student IDs issued by accredited postsecondary institutions in Tennessee as a voter ID. (2023)
Tennessee Third-party Voter Registration Assistance Restrictions
Testimony opposing Tennessee HB 1955, which inhibits third-party voter registration drives by imposing civil liability on third-party organizations for unintentionally permitting someone with certain felony convictions from handling voter registration applications and prohibits prefilling voter registration applications for prospective voters. (2024)
Hon. Richard Briggs Chair, Senate Committee on State and Local Government 774 Cordell Hull Bldg. Nashville, TN 37243 Dear Chair Briggs and Members of the Committee: On behalf of the Fair Elections Center, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to removing barriers to registration and voting through advocacy and impact litigation, and the Center’s Campus Vote […]