Ohio Online Voter Registration
Testimony Supporting Ohio SB 63, Which Would Implement Online Voter Registration (2015)
Ohio Online Voter Registration
Testimony Supporting Ohio SB 63, Which Would Implement Online Voter Registration (2015)
Ohio Voter Registration Cancellations
Letter to the Ohio Secretary of State Seeking Information Regarding Voter Registration Cancellations (2019)
Absentee Voting in Ohio During COVID-19 Pandemic
Testimony Opposing Ohio HB 680, Which Would Prohibit the Secretary of State from Sending Unsolicited Mail-in Ballot Request Forms (2020)
Ohio Voting Restrictions
Testimony Opposing Ohio HB 294, Which Would Limit the Availability and Accessibility of Absentee Voting. (2022)
Ohio Voter ID Restrictions
Testimony Opposing Ohio HB 458, Which Would Establish Strict Voter ID Requirements Among other Restrictive Measures (2023)
Ohio Voter ID Restrictions
Letter requesting Ohio Governor Mike DeWine to veto HB 458, containing strict voter ID requirements among other restrictive measures (2023)
Ohio Voter ID Restrictions
Letter to Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose expressing concern over the implementation of HB 458 (2023), and urging that his office takes lawful measures to reduce confusion during the early voting period prior to the law taking effect.